the discovery of many broken victorian ornaments in a lake
the child strikes another child in the playground
the caretaker fetches a spanner and opens his head
the teacher is taken to discuss things
with a child psychologist
the sun zooms in
a goat leaps over the fence, runs wild butting
the boys on the basketball yard
suddenly squirrels stare down evilly
from surrounding trees
the bigger boys, some as old as eight
gather together, angry but resourceful
then in a huge wave they attack the squirrels
all over the playground boys kick squirrels
no one knows now what the Law says about any of this
some music.a half turn.a bust of an ancient local dignitary
at the last an aged master runs forth with a viola
smites the under-manager of the gauleiter
janitor inquisitor servitor breaks it into atoms but
atoms by def cannot the wild diet and song
the under-manager sees alternatives now
he gathers the boys, issues them with Glocks
the squirrels fall back in a skirmish line
throwing explosive cones
Steve Parker