horror politics of the hipglass is now outgassed, Steve Parker


429418_10150512701565976_806852869_nUntitled, Z.Z. Wei


horror politics of the hipglass is now outgassed

a young man a quite innocent man only really a bypasser

stops at the shop window to examine a display
horrorstruck he sees from the back of the shop
another man a naked man [maybe the naked shopkeeper

maybe a god in a low guise a satyr or pederast]
with an erection oh christ a look of delight run towards him
he crashes into the glass in slow motion the glass

the glass rises now in millibars of hectopascals of analects
of love and time’s first forgotten disorient
crazes and maps itself cobwebs and meridians

of disaster spread now this is meaning slide into this
the whole street shimmy everything in birds of fracture
rupture around this flow this node of impact

perhaps made of steel first exits into the street
while from another world a different time register a crow
swoops in it pecks with fury at the shopkeeper’s cock

he screams brings down the rest of the mosaic
in blinding jigsaw shatters the sky the entire sky
fatally injured spasms there in the street there & there

nods and collapses there the innocent young man the crow
the shopkeeper hover in CCTV glass falls around them
waterfalls & cataracts blind the moment the shopman

reaches for others a crow in his mouthblood runs

down his chest this now this he cries is politics at its best

Steve Parker




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