Something Will Happen
Forced to live a life
that I did not want
for me. My young years
and those that followed
did not turn out well.
This, I did on my
own. I cannot walk
off. I have so much
to give. Something will
happen. The tides will
change one day. Calmly,
I stop negative
thoughts and look to what
is beautiful in
life. I breathe so deep.
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
Review by Vyarka Kozareva
The statement “Something will happen” supposes different explanations which may be based on personal regrets, expectations or self-delusion. The author’s monologue bears resemblance to a confession. However, the poem is not in a minor key: the protagonist has made his decision knowing that he is capable to make his contribution: “I have so much to give.” There are no excuses, no vindication. The message is positive. Probably a kind of self-motivation or a prescription how to stay stronger against the difficulties.