Nosey Girl. Memphis. 2014. Nosey (photo credit: Karen B. Golightly)
Audio for “Sintaxis,” read by Nancy J. Morales:
no tocarte es un silencio
en el discurso de tocarte
pero es una palabra
de la frase de estar mirándote
no mirarte es un silencio
en el discurso de mirarte
pero es una palabra
de la frase de estar pensándote
no pensarte es impensable
como una frase de silencios
interrumpidos por silencios
Audio for “Syntax,” read by Ellen Jane Johnson Hensel:
not touching you is a silence
in the discourse of touching you
but it is a word
in the phrase of looking at you
not looking at you is a silence
in the discourse of looking at you
but it is a word
in the phrase of thinking of you
not thinking of you is unthinkable
like a phrase of silences
interrupted by silences
Ulalume González de León, translated by Terry Ehret, Nancy J. Morales, John Johnson