Leaves of Three. Memphis. 2014. Kaso (photo credit: Karen B. Golightly)
Audio for “Difícil contar jardines,” read by Nancy J. Morales:
Difícil contar jardines
El jardín donde estamos,
es el mismo o son dos?
Mi jardín
Tu jardín
De acuerdo con los robles,
la hierba,
los geranios.
Pero yo sé de un árbol
que viene de mí misma
y en su jardín no ocupa
más sitio que un deseo.
Y tú, qué has inventado?
– porque vuelvo los ojos
y descubro en el fondo
una flor extranjera
Audio for “Hard to count gardens,” read by Ellen Jane Johnson Hensel:
Hard to count gardens
The garden where we are,
is it the same or are there two?
My garden
Your garden
According to the oaks,
the grasses,
the geraniums.
But I know of a tree
that comes from myself
and in its garden doesn’t take
more space than a desire.
And you, what have you invented?
–because I look again
and discover deep within
a foreign flower
Ulalume González de León, translated by Terry Ehret, Nancy J. Morales, John Johnson