Judith Nelson, Girt Lap, 1997, 22X26
fond numbskulls of the Gregorian sashay
… not a word!—Madeleine Shine
… to the whys—Derrida (or another)
this text:txet siht
(boy) leans over ‘is Jack Black?
that (old now) (how) (old) do you (exc’)
as old as he looks-or-as-old-as /he is/
as old as he is meant [to look in this [Au]
as-old-as-he-seems- to-you\/ from a generation
((yawning back his/(my) sorrow))at this *gulfing* back—
back . time . lamp . black . this stretches pain yawns
(yaws) back and back-er (why, somnolent) (chasms) of-the-skull
—more of here the jug-jug bird—
a prophetess of course in sibilants sussurates as
‘SO’ a man awakes in there a man who sleeps
afraid he-will-wake-no-more awakes yawing
as a cockencroach top-eero-utsi-de (it the sci-fi genus venus)
through some s-i-d-e-h-o-l-e to see O mere “to see what …
—thereof and of the flit and flitmost the skull (skirl here)
to see what (to-be-borne) so (.frit he is and all afear)—
… Blackjack be” (nothing—slouches ho!—
(is to -be- done about any of it)
in the thing he awakes (don’t s(t)(r)(op)(h)(e) it (‘me’) [now]
exactly not that …
(the movie
the (picture plane)(the) screen is of course all-screaming-woman
onto which a film of)
“and the irrecoverable (open mid-back rounded)
sickness of what he just said”
Steve Parker
Review by Jake Tringali
Punk rock. Basquiat. This should be read while the Clash lay down a raga 6-minute instrumental, just after their NYC hip-hop phase. Also, reminds me a little of Vogon poetry, but in the best goddamn way.