Dear Travellers,
Triggerfish Editors believe Issue #7 is our most demanding, multifaceted issue to date.
It is also a spiritual journey. Our chosen poets stand before you — open — magnificently naked. Each work has been chosen for its complexities. Through apparently simple language each stimulates intellectual scrutiny, forcing readers to investigate, perhaps define, their own journeys.
Clearly, the men and women whose works are featured here are, without doubt, on a journey; and none more so than Pulitzer Prize recipient Franz Wright, our featured poet.
As editors, we were given the opportunity to participate in these poetic travels. But, of course, you are travellers, too. So, with the publication of Issue #7, we offer you astonishing beauty and intensity in this multilayered exploration of honesty, courage, imagination and human frailty.
To embark upon a spiritual journey requires integrity. To take a glimpse into the journeys of others requires an open heart; a willingness to love and accept.
We invite you to take these journeys with us. You will be richer for them.
Zoe Guilherme
On behalf of Triggerfish Editors