A Portfolio of Paintings, Alex Lilly

The artwork of Alex Lilly is paired with poetry throughout the issue and also interspersed within the text of the interview, but not all of the paintings lent themselves to a pairing, and not wanting to do disservice to either Mr. Lilly or the poets by a pairing of art and text that don’t juxtapose well, we are displaying some here.


Canadian Town Burns - Oil Train Crash-1Canadian Town Burns–Oil Train Crash, Alex Lilly

Gaza StripGaza Strip, Alex Lilly

Israel Bombs Lebanon 2006Israel Bombs Lebanon 2006, Alex Lilly

Nato Bombs LibyaNato Bombs Libya, Alex Lilly

Syria Aleppo-1Syria Aleppo 1, Alex Lilly

Syria AleppoSyria Aleppo 2, Alex Lilly

Tianmen Square - Uyghur AttackTianmen Square, Uyghur Attack, Alex Lilly

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