Tiel Aisha Ansari is a Sufi data analyst. Her work has been featured by Fault Lines Poetry, Windfall, KBOO, and Prairie Home Companion among others. Her books include Knocking from Inside and High-Voltage Lines. She was president of the Oregon Poetry Association for several years. Visit her online at
Laura Bandy received her MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2006. From 2009 to 2013 she attended the University of Southern Mississippi’s Center for Writers, where she received the Joan Johnson Poetry Award. She has had work published in Saints of Hysteria: A Half-Century of Collaborative American Poetry, The Cossack Review, Trailer Park Quarterly, and After Hours. She hails from Jacksonville, Illinois, home of the Ferris wheel.
Ralph Earle teaches poetry at Central Carolina Community College and does computer services consulting work. His collection, The Way the Rain Works, won the 2015 Sable Books Chapbook Award. His poems have appeared in The Sun, Sufi Magazine, Carolina Quartery, Tar River Poetry, and elsewhere.
Chris Fahrenthold teaches English and poetry at Fontbonne University, having previously served artist residencies at both The Green Center and Paul Artspace. He holds an MFA in creative writing from Bennington College, as well as a law degree he never used. His poems have been published here and there, and he lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with his wife and French bulldog.
Benjamin Goluboff teaches English at Lake Forest College. In addition to some scholarly publications, he has placed imaginative work—poetry, fiction, and essays—in numerous small-press journals, most recently Unbroken, Bird’s Thumb, and War Literature and the Arts. His collection Ho Chi Minh: A Speculative Life in Verse, and Other Poems is just out from Urban Farmhouse Press. Some of his work can be read at
Beth Gordon is a writer who lives in St. Louis, Missouri. She received her MFA from American University a long time ago. Her work has recently appeared in Into the Void, Calamus Journal, Slink Chunk Press, Five:2:One, Barzakh, and others. She can be found on Twitter @bethgordonpoet.
Michael Derrick Hudson’s poems have appeared in several journals, including Poetry, Boulevard, Columbia, Fugue, Georgia Review, The Greensboro Review, Gulf Coast, Iowa Review, New Letters, New Ohio Review, Prism Review, RHINO, River Styx, Southern Humanities Review, Triggerfish, Washington Square, and West Branch. Hudson was a co-winner of the 2014 Manchester Prize and won second place in the Munster Literature Centre’s 2016 Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition.
Paul Jones’s first chapbook, What the Welsh and Chinese Have In Common, was a North Carolina Writers’ Network publication winner. Jones’ reviews have been collected in Contemporary Literary Criticism (Gale) and some of his poems collected in Best American Erotic Poetry: 1800 – Present (Scribners), . . . and love . . . (Jacar), What Matters (Jacar), and in 27 Views of Chapel Hill (Eno Publishers). He is a contributing editor to the Heath Anthology of American Literature. In other parts of his life, he is director of, a 20+ year project that facilitates legal sharing on the internet, and a professor at the University of North Carolina’s Schools of Information Science.
Debra Kaufman’s Delicate Thefts was published in 2015 by Jacar Press. She is the author of The Next Moment (Jacar 2010) and A Certain Light (Emrys 1996) as well as three chapbooks. Her poems have appeared in many magazines—most recently Poetry East, Spillway, and North Carolina Literary Review—and anthologies, most recently Southern Poetry Anthology. She is also a playwright, an editor for the online journal One, and a member of the board of trustees of the Paul Green Foundation. A Midwest native, she has lived in North Carolina for thirty years.
Mark Kerstetter is the author of the chapbook, One Step: Prayers and Curses, available from Atomic Theory Micro Press. His poems have appeared in many journals, including Jerry Jazz Musician, Unlikely Stories, and Connotation Press. Mark blogs on poetry and the arts at The Mockingbird Sings,
Philip Kobylarz has had work in Paris Review, Epoch, Poetry, and Best American Poetry. His two books are rues and Now Leaving Nowheresville, and he has two books forthcoming.
Max Lemuz is a Mexican-American who recently graduated from California State University, San Bernardino, with a B.A. in English. He tutors foster youth full-time and writes poetry in his head all the time. He spends his weekends with his amazing wife and daughter in San Bernardino.
Bruce McRae, a Canadian musician currently residing on Salt Spring Island, BC, has over a thousand poems published internationally in magazines including Rattle and the North American Review. His books are The So-Called Sonnets (Silenced Press), An Unbecoming Fit Of Frenzy (Cawing Crow Press), and Like As If (Pskis Porch), all available via Amazon.
Amber McCready has been published in the Chinquapin Literary Magazine, Chico News and Review, and Adelaide Literary Magazine. After graduating from UCSC in 2013 with degrees in creative writing and psychology, she moved to Portland, Oregon. She is currently working on a collection of poems. Her human side can be found on instragram via @mccready_amber.
Greg Moglia is a veteran of 27 years as professor of philosophy of education at N.Y.U. His book of poetry Lost But Making Good Time is just out from Finishing Line Press. His poems have been accepted in over 300 journals in the U.S., Canada, England, India, Australia, Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, and Austria as well as five anthologies. He is eight times a winner of an Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award sponsored by the poetry center at Passaic County Community College. He lives in Huntington, N.Y.
Jacob Moran is a 23-year-old poet living in Indianapolis, Indiana, with his one-eyed dog, Annie.
Daniel Moro was born and raised in a small Manhattan suburb, and was educated at Quinnipiac University. He lives in Cambridge, MA.
Renée K. Nicholson is former ballet dancer, past Emerging Writer-in-Residence at Penn State-Altoona, and author of Roundabout Directions to Lincoln Center. She is assistant professor in the Programs for Multi- and Interdisciplinary Studies at West Virginia University. Her writing has appeared in Poets & Writers, Midwestern Gothic, Moon City Review, The Superstition Review, The Gettysburg Review and elsewhere. Renée’s creative projects include editing prose for the journal Souvenir, and collaborating with healthcare professionals in narrative medicine. Her website is
Adrian S. Potter writes poetry and short fiction. He is the author of the fiction chapbook Survival Notes (Červená Barva Press, 2008) and winner of the 2010 Southern Illinois Writers Guild Poetry Contest. Some publication credits include North American Review, Obsidian, and Kansas City Voices. He blogs, sometimes, at
Steven Reese’s work has appeared in The Journal, West Branch, Poetry Northwest, Atlanta Review, and a host of other magazines, as well as in three collections: Enough Light to Steer By (Cleveland State), American Dervish (Salmon), and Excentrica: Notes on the Text (BlazeVOX, forthcoming). He has as well two volumes of translation, Synergos (Etruscan; poems of Roberto Manzano) and Womanlands (Verbum, Spain; poems of Diana María Ivizate González). He directs the Northeast Ohio MFA in creative writing.
Jennifer A. Reimer, a FWF Lise Meitner Fellow in American Studies at the University of Graz (Austria), received her PhD in Ethnic Studies fromt he University of California, Berkeley in 2011, and her MFA in Writing from the University of San Francisco in 2005. She is the 2011 winner of the Gloria E. Anzaldúa Award for Independent Scholars, awarded by the Women’s Committee of the American Studies Association. Her first prose poetry book, The Rainy Season Diaries, was released in 2013 by Quale Press. The Turkish translation of The Rainy Season Diaries was released by Şiirden Press in 2017. She is the co-founder and co-editor of Achiote Press, an independent press dedicated to spotlighting underrepresented authors and artists. A proud native Californian, Jennifer now lives and works in Graz, Austria.
Carla Schwartz’s poems have appeared in Aurorean, ArLiJo, Fourth River, Fulcrum, Common Ground, Cactus Heart, Mom Egg, Switched-on Gutenberg, Gyroscope, Naugatuck River, Solstice, SHARKPACK, and Ibbetson Street, among others. Her second poetry collection, Intimacy with the Wind, is available from Finishing Line Press or Her debut collection, Mother, One More Thing (Turning Point) is available on Her CB99videos YouTube channel has had 1,600,000+ views. Learn more at Check out her blog at
Spencer Smith is a University of Utah graduate and works in the corporate world to pay the bills that poetry doesn’t pay (i.e., all of them). His poetry has appeared in over fifty literary journals, including RATTLE, Potomac Review, Tribeca Poetry Review, RHINO, and Roanoke Review.
Kelly Weber is the author of the chapbook All My Valentine’s Days Are Weird from Pseudo Poseur Press, and her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in several publications, including The Midwest Quarterly, The Bone Parade, Clade Song, and Gravel. She has taught composition and poetry at Wayne State College, where she received her BA of English Writing and Literature and her MSE in English Education. She is currently working toward her MFA in poetry at Colorado State University. More of her work can be found at
Julie Wenglinski is from St. Louis and moved to Titusville, Florida, in 1964 because her father worked on the space program there. She has lived in Richmond, Virginia, since 1975 and is now retired after having paid her debt to society by working over 30 years in IT. She has had poetry and flash fiction published online and in print in Masque & Spectacle, Star 82 Review, Nonbinary Review, Ella@100 Anthology, and in Puff Puff Prose, Poetry and a Play.