Summer Solstice Grace
It is the cardinal day of the calendar we share with nature,
neither Julian nor Gregorian
neither Jewish, Muslim, nor Chinese
but the one that governs the coleus, plankton, and black bear.
It is the day
one of some ancient tribe saw something
peculiar in the days before and after,
that we could quantify a cyclical magic in the world,
perhaps even the first day we knew we could place ourselves in time.
And so now we grow with the plants and animals
who know these things, while we can merely notice them.
So on midsummer let us celebrate our noticing the world,
And that this ability makes us special
And also that it doesn’t—
That the rest of creation plays by ear what we
with the consolation of science have forgotten;
And so we throw a party
We have dinner with friends
and we make mindful, joyful use of this long day.
Chris Fahrenthold