Philip Kobylarz, Beata in Idaho, Photograph
Lone Female
A female, alone,
unaccompanied, unescorted,
is not worthless, but too valuable,
too easily soiled.
Murder, kidnapping, and robbery are
all things you do not want.
Case in point—
beautiful mathematicians do not wander;
they bathe in the diffused sunlight,
sit in circles,
receive purple bruises from the crowds,
are infected by their poison.
They do not veil themselves with darkness,
wander in shadowy corridors,
associate with ghosts,
or grapple for some illusive ownership.
Rather, they bleed out by day,
and resurface at night,
dwelling in the crossroads of time.
Sarah Daly
Review by Mykyta Ryzhykh
When reading the poem, I could not distinguish the word loneliness from the word one. Also, I could not distinguish the word woman from <insert any vulnerable social group>. This verse is much more global than it seems from the outside. This verse is quite common for our crazy world.