Manhattan Smog Stupefies
the skyline as transient workers
shade eyes with their New York Times. Underground vibrations
shiver bones and elevate thoughts. As moments are entered,
they remove their boots. Trying to still
a man stoops; becomes farsighted. Details approach.
Violin strings snap loose, the feverish kind, until lenses refract.
A strange power to tug, tweak and tune quietude with an extending
bow towards fields where horses resolve.
The caretaker in rhythmic strokes brushes my hair, ties a ribbon.
Those days I was impressionable,
feared god and my parents. Today
shade eyes with their New York Times. Underground vibrations
shiver bones and elevate thoughts. As moments are entered,
they remove their boots. Trying to still
a man stoops; becomes farsighted. Details approach.
Violin strings snap loose, the feverish kind, until lenses refract.
A strange power to tug, tweak and tune quietude with an extending
bow towards fields where horses resolve.
The caretaker in rhythmic strokes brushes my hair, ties a ribbon.
Those days I was impressionable,
feared god and my parents. Today
it is a relief to rid batteries from a robot
and let it run wireless.
Elissa Leichter