Tanka [two piles of clover], Karen O’Leary

Chidago Canyon Petroglyph, Detail on Previous


Tanka [two piles of clover]


two piles of clover                                                  

on both sides—

the 4-year-old

hopes for 4 leaves

to save her mommy

Karen O’Leary


Review by Jared Pearce

The image of the four-year-old plucking piles of clover for her wish is really striking.


Review by Joshua St. Claire

In “two piles of clover,” O’Leary juxtaposes the magical thinking of children with the sad realities of a sick parent. There is quite a bit of ma in this tanka, as well, as the reader considers the mental health of the child and the physical health of her parent. A strong tanka.

I also want to applaud O’Leary for writing two light, minimalistic, imagistic verse and not attempting to replicate Japanese prosody by padding these poems into a “5-7-5-7-7” syllable structure. Very well done.

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