High Point, Susan Shea

Chidago Canyon Petroglyph, Detail


    High Point


                                    When we saw that he had grown
                                    five inches over the course of one
                                    summer, we joked that his mother
                                    had put miracle grow on his pop tarts

                                    making my daughter take a new look
                                    at his overtures to sing her into his time

                                    through increase and wonder

                                    I couldn’t help stepping back a pace
                                    marveling at how fast a body is able
                                    to take cues to change so boldly

                                    in some unspoken realm where
                                    we keep trying to give up on
                                    or catch up with our desires


Susan Shea


Review by Jared Pearce

The idea of our wanting or dreading having physical evidence is engaging.


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